![Yuri T, Florida](/images/pics/yuri_t.jpg)
Yuri T, Florida
"I am increasingly feeling more positive about people around me, and mainly myself. Now, I am nailing 30-40 negative beliefs a day. Some of these were hidden deeply inside me." Click to Read More
Anger Management
If you get more angry than you think you should sometimes, then this video is for you.
Anger is a useful emotion, it can get you moving, and it can put you in the state of mind you need to defend yourself when you need to.
But sometimes we get way more angry than we need to. The reason for this is that our sub-conscious mind is reminded of a time when we DID need to get angry, even though the present moment isn't really one of those times.
I'll show you what I mean, and then we'll tap away the anger.
Think of a time when you got angry recently - preferably a time when later on you realised that maybe you got more angry than you should have.
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Life is a lot easier when you aren't beating yourself up all the time. If you like yourself, trust yourself, and have confidence in yourself, then others will like you, trust you, and have confidence in you too.