![Mark S, London](/images/pics/mark_s.jpg)
Mark S, London
"So, this one fact has proved to myself that Tapping works and I have removed these long standing negative affirmations that led me to be a social smoker. I no longer need it's comfort. And I didn't have to do a thing about it." Click to Read More
Free Videos
Introduction to Tapping
In this introductory video I'm going to take you through how Tapping can release negative emotions
The Science of Tapping
The biggest thing that puts people off Tapping is that they see it as a little bit New Age. It's funny to me, as someone who studied science at Cambridge University, I find it perfectly scientific. The formula is precise, and the results are repeatable and reliable.
Self Acceptance
Do you like yourself? It saddens me that some people are probably going to answer no to that question. Even if you answered yes, are there times when you think less of yourself than others?
Killing Procrastination
I've been meaning to produce this video for ages, and I finally got round to it. It's easier to get round to things when you have tapped away the feelings of not wanting to do them.
Stress Relief
Tapping can deal with stress quickly and efficiently. Once the stressed feeling is gone, you'll find it much easier to deal with whatever is stressing you. You'll be thinking clearer and won't feel pressured into acting.
Waking Up
This is a great video, because the effects will be VERY obvious to you. Follow it through to the end, and tomorrow morning, you'll see what I mean...
Tapping is very effective at improving the quality of your sleep.
Overcoming Depression
Tapping can cure depression. In my experience, it can sort it out faster than any other method.
Anger Management
If you get more angry than you think you should sometimes, then this video is for you.
Nelson Mandela said that "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies".
Quit Smoking
Addictions are notoriously difficult problems for hypnotherapists. The reason is, your addiction, whether it's cigarettes, or chocolate, or surfing the internet, is the strategy you have developed for coping with negative feelings.
Memory Release
Use this video if you already know of a memory you want to work on.
Chakra Clearing
This exercise thoroughly clears out your whole system. It's great to do daily, or just after an intense Tapping session.
Free 'Tapping Points Summary' Cheatsheet
When you subscribe to our Tapping Tips Newsletter
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Ever feel tired or hungry even though you just ate and had plenty of sleep? Let me tell you about a little trick your body sometimes plays on you - let me introduce you to FakeTired and FakeHungry.
Before you read this, realise that you don't need to know precisely how Tapping works. If you try it, and watch your body and mind carefully to see what happens, you will realise that it does.
Nothing gets blasted more in the self-improvement industry than 'Positive Thinking'. The cynical among us are quick to point out that just believing in something doesn't make it true, and even the most optimistic optimist will concede that they don't always take Positive Action based on their thinking.