Rhonda from Rhode Island
"It took only ONE 40 min. tapping session with your self-acceptance video to lift an unbearable pain I thought I'd have to live with for life." Click to Read More
Rhonda from Rhode Island
"It took only ONE 40 min. tapping session with your self-acceptance video to lift an unbearable pain I thought I'd have to live with for life."
Hello Magnus,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for these tapping videos. I had an extremely painful and traumatic situation that had been haunting me since 2002. I kept shoving the emotions (grief and guilt) further down so that I could continue simply functioning in life.
I've known about EFT for well over a year now and was intrigued, but I only had a written manual on how to do it. I felt confused by the instructions and procrastinated about seeing a professional EFT practitioner. I also felt like I couldn't do it correctly on my own, and of course, I was a bit skeptical.
I'm so happy that I found your compassionately and thoughfully made videos!
It took only ONE 40 min. tapping session with you, (self-acceptance), to lift an unbearable pain I thought I'd have to live with for life.
As I went through the session with you, it felt like layers of an onion being peeled back as I realized that there were many aspects involved in the reasons my mind had held onto this pain for so long.
Towards the end of the session, I actually tried to FORCE myself to focus on the painful images that were previously so sharp and clear in my mind, and all I can say is that it felt like trying to grasp a balloon as it was flying away.
I simply AM NOT able to hold the images in my mind long enough to produce any intense emotion. The memory is still there on an intellectual level, but it doesn't have the emotional strangle-hold that it used to...hence, freedom!
If there is ANYTHING I can ever do to help support your work and your cause, please let me know.
You have my permission to use this letter as a testimonial on your site, if that proves useful.
You have a fan for LIFE in Rhode Island!!! (USA)
With my deepest gratitude,

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