Mark S, London

Mark S, London

"So, this one fact has proved to myself that Tapping works and I have removed these long standing negative affirmations that led me to be a social smoker. I no longer need it's comfort. And I didn't have to do a thing about it." Click to Read More

Memory Release

Use this video if you already know of a memory you want to work on.

The rest of this video forms the basis for several of the other videos I have produced. Each of those helps you find a relevant memory that is affecting a particular area of your life, before jumping into this video to clear any emotions stored in that memory.

You can use this video without that guidance if you already know which memory you want to work on. This can help Post Traumatic Stress or just if you have events in your life that you need to make your peace with.

I've run this process so many times, I find it hard to think of a memory that makes me feel bad now. It's a good place to be, and I hope you get there too.

So, just take a minute to decide which memory you want to work with today. The brain orders memories by emotional intensity, so whichever one jumps out, that's the one that affects you the most, so that's the one you should deal with first.

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