Mark S, London
"So, this one fact has proved to myself that Tapping works and I have removed these long standing negative affirmations that led me to be a social smoker. I no longer need it's comfort. And I didn't have to do a thing about it." Click to Read More
Quit Smoking
Addictions are notoriously difficult problems for hypnotherapists. The reason is, your addiction, whether it's cigarettes, or chocolate, or surfing the internet, is the strategy you have developed for coping with negative feelings.
A negative feeling comes up, and you use those things to distract yourself from it.
So to truly deal with the addiction, you have to Tap away the strongest negative feelings in your life. This will happen naturally as you work through my videos and tap things in your own time.
Then you have a new strategy - when a negative feeling comes up, instead of lighting a cigarette, tap the negative feeling away. The difference is that tapping is a permanent effect - the feeling doesn't come back.
This video will concentrate on the physical cravings you feel for nicotine. You'll be surprised. Most of the craving feeling that you get is actually emotional. Part of it is certainly chemical and physical, but that part is easy to deal with just through willpower. It's the emotional part that is hard to resist, so we'll start tapping that away now.

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Before you read this, realise that you don't need to know precisely how Tapping works. If you try it, and watch your body and mind carefully to see what happens, you will realise that it does.
The Road Map shows you where you are, and what you might tap next. All the goals on the road map are achievable with Tapping as a tool.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.