Mark S, London
"So, this one fact has proved to myself that Tapping works and I have removed these long standing negative affirmations that led me to be a social smoker. I no longer need it's comfort. And I didn't have to do a thing about it." Click to Read More
Private Coaching
The absolute best way to learn Tapping is to have someone to guide you through your first few sessions.
My current focus is reaching as many people as I can via my website and book. However I do have a limited number of slots available each week for private coaching.
If you are in London we can meet in person, I hold sessions in Kings Cross, 2 minutes walk from the tube station. Otherwise I conduct sessions over Skype or MSN, in video mode only.
You will probably have an idea of what you want to work on, and we can discuss this in advance over email and telephone. Tapping can help with every aspect of self-development.
The price is £100 per session. Sessions up to 2 hours, which tends to be the most amount of tapping you can take before your brain gets tired.
For further information please use the contact form below. Please suggest afternoons or evenings you are available - my schedule is usually flexible.
5-Session Coaching Course
To achieve maximum benefit, we will meet five times over the course of 3 months. The price includes telephone and email consultation in between sessions.
You are expected to do as much or more tapping in between sessions as we do during them. The cost is £400 for 5 sessions.
The coaching course is by invitation only.
Contact Form

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